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Your support. A world of difference.
Linum Charity has been in existence since 2013. Through fundraising efforts, our organisation Linum Charity primarily provides financial and material support to families with children, young or grown, affected by orphan diseases. Additionally, through the Friends of Linum Charity Fund, we also provide financial support to various research efforts on these orphan diseases.
Support for families, support for research. All of this is made possible through the generous donations, contributions, and loyalty of individual donors, partners, and service clubs. Their support enables us to offer children and young adults, the cornerstones of every family, better access to specialized care.
Looking to make a difference? You have 2 options!
Option 1: Linum Charity npo

Support our Linum Charity npo initiatives and make a direct donation to our non-profit organisation for the benefit of children with orphan diseases:
Linum Charity npo
on account number BE11 7380 3822 0648 or via the Payconiq QR code here.
No tax receipt provided.
Option 2: Friends of Linum Charity Fund, recognized by the King Baudouin Foundation
Support the Friends of Linum Charity Fund, recognized by the King Baudouin Foundation. Help advance research on orphan diseases.
The Friends of Linum Charity Fund supports two recognized scientific research projects on orphan diseases, led by passionate specialists in this field.
Support the Friends of Linum Charity Fund on account number BE10 0000 0000 0404. Use the structured communication +++623/3810/90073+++ or via the Payconiq QR code here.
Tax receipt available from €40. (Only in Belgium)
The Friends of Linum Charity Fund is led by Linum Charity vzw and two external directors, Mr. Kurt Vanryckeghem and Mr. Jelle Descamps, under the auspices of the King Baudouin Foundation.
The Friends of Linum Charity Fund supports two recognised scientific studies on orphan diseases, led by passionate specialists in this field.
Research 1: PID is an orphan disease, a rare genetic disorder
Primary immunodeficiency disorder (PID) is a collective term for a group of inherited immune disorders. Due to an insufficiently strong or underdeveloped immune system, there is an increased susceptibility to recurrent infections; such as lung, sinus, or ear infections, intestinal infections, and/or more severe to life-threatening infections. Moreover, there may also be a disorder in the regulation of the immune system.
Therefore, a portion of the Friends of Linum Charity Fund goes towards the research of Prof. Dr. Filomeen Haerynck at UZ Gent. Prof. Dr. Haerynck is head of the pediatric pneumology, infectious diseases, and immunology department. Prof. Dr. Haerynck and her team focus on better education about primary immunodeficiency disorders with multiple aspects in young children.
Research 2: Usher syndrome is also an orphan disease
A person with Usher's Syndrome may have impaired hearing and vision, due to changes in their genetic material. There are 3 types in this:
- Type 1: Children born deaf. Vision gradually declines. Balance problems may occur in type 1.
- Type 2: Children are born with impaired hearing. Vision declines later than in type 1.
- Type 3: Hearing and vision loss occur even later than in types 1 and 2. This type is the least common.
With the Friends of Linum Charity Fund, we support the research of Prof. Dr. Bart Leroy, head of the ophthalmology department at UZ Gent. For more information on Prof. Dr. Leroy's research, please follow this link.

We thank you for your generosity!
The Board of Directors