One chance in a few billion. That is what Odette's parents were told when the doctors treating her told them that their newborn daughter suffers from both anophthalmia and microphthalmia. The three-month-old girl has only one eye and is completely blind. They want to give Odette as comfortable a life as possible. But this will require a lot of money.
First, they need to look at how to help Odette's small head grow. The absence of the right eye means that crooked growth is possible. However, the parents want to give her a symmetrical and beautiful face, and for this an eye prosthesis must be placed at least once a month. This then ensures that growth is as normal as possible. The health insurance fund reimburses only two prostheses a year while she needs at least 24 each year.
"We are very grateful that Odette is with us, but the line between happiness and sadness is sometimes small. We carry on, for her."
- Parents of Odette